Another buy from yourselves, this has to be probably my favourite out of all the perfumes i own and it was a blind buy! 😍 Perfect for winter smells incredible. Got to me within a couple days fast delivery top products 🫡🙌🏼
Great service from Freshity, a reliable site for Middle Eastern scents, I would definitely reccomend
Love this fragrance, it smells warm and exotic. Definitely, unisex.
Try it, you won’t regret doing so.
Lovely fragrance smells expensive arrived quick
fluffy sweet candy
Stunning packaging. Very rose milk forward.
Beautifully packedaged, sent very quickly.
Still warming up to the fragrance as all I can smell now is the burnt sugar note
I gave someone has a gift and they said they loved it a lot
I really love the smell...to be honest
It was really good but the pay down smelt a little bit off. But asides that it's a good fragrance